St. Gianna Orphanage


We have come up
with this plan of an orphanage

after much consultation with people regarding the present situation in Nigeria that exposes innocent babies and toddlers to danger. We are doing our best as a Congregation to save money towards this, and hope that the assistance of our friends and benefactors will help us build this orphanage. Below are pictures and construction plans of the proposed orphanage.

This project will gradually become a reality with your donations.

We believe that if it is God’s will for us as a Congregation to nurture and protect life at this level, he will take total control of this project and bring it to fulfilment in his own way and at his own time.

Sisters of the Nativity will take the full responsibility of the running of the orphanage.

Our mission is to:

create a positive living environment where abandoned babies at birth will feel loved and cared for.
provide temporary accommodation, protection and counseling to women with unwanted pregnancies – who are rejected by their families / society – and to support them if they decide to keep their babies.

Bank Transfer details

Bank: National Australia Bank
Account Name: Sisters of the Nativity Ophans
Account number: 778 215 416
BSB: 083 879